On 7/29/2013 10:49 AM, Thomas Colson wrote:
_Is this even an appropriate use of OSM?_ I have a cemetery mapping
  project with LOTS of good data, pondering the best way to publish it….

I would say - yes. To me the considerations lie in how much data to include: Everything on the stone? Local information about the person? Additional knowledge from historians and sextons?

On a related note, this subject came up for me a few weeks ago. Mark Gray had given a lightning talk on this subject at SOTM US 2010 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_Of_The_Map_U.S._2010 . I was thinking of starting with a single waypoint, which can be very accurate after multiple averaging, multiple readings at different times of day, etc. Then using a rig for highly accurate headstone location readings relative to the reference point, which could be converted to GeoLocation coordinates. I couldn't find any simple, low cost way to do this with a quick Internet search. Are there Smartphone apps that can do this with the help of their accelerometer? Some other type of hardware?

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