Am 14.03.2014 21:47, schrieb Carol Kraemer:
> ......
> Let's say that there are 1,500,000 registered users
> <> as is
> stated by the first graph. I will also look at the last year of % of
> total users contributing where the highest percentage is no more than
> 2%. This is a conservative guess, at best, but that means that
> internationally, there have only been about 30,000 active users
> contributing of the 1,500,000 registered users.
> ......
Unluckily you are being misled by the numbers, which are not wrong, but
you do have to understand how they were produced.

See or similar
numbers from Pascal Neis for indications of what is really going on.

And while I haven't updated my charts yet this year, I have already
produced numbers for January and February 2014. January showed the
largest increase in contributors in a month to date in the history of
OSM and the second largest total number of monthly active contributors.
Not exactly indicating that we have an issue.

The contributors/accounts ratio has gone up and down a bit over time,
but that is more likely mainly due to external effects, the contributor
numbers show a steady, slightly increasing over time, growth.


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