On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:17 AM, <o...@charles.derkarl.org> wrote:

> I'm going to just point out the elephant in the room here. I don't think
> any
> normal user cares about the license at all. I think the actual reason its
> hard
> to get new mappers, especially those that are not nerdy and obsessive like
> myself is that *the ontology sucks*. There, I said it, so you don't have
> to.

I think the real reason is that there's just one model: *mapping as an end
to itself.*
Just look at the outreach material: it talks about mapping as an end, and
people to get involved in this nebulous thing called mapping, as if that
was enough.

Map geeks?  Check.
This map geek and his son? Check.
Other people?  Hmm.

*How about "map all the pubs in your area"?  Or "Find the world's best map
of hiking trailsand help keep the map strong by editing if needed"?  Or
"contribute to the world's best map of speed cameras"?  Or "Map free
library locations (e.g. *
*http://littlefreelibrary.org/ <http://littlefreelibrary.org/> and clones)?*
Maybe the pool of obsessive mappers is drawing thin.
The pool of pub enthusiasts, however, is as strong as ever.
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