> I think the other half of the equation, however, is actually getting this
> fixed across the country. At present it appears to be just a small number
> of mappers doing it in their areas; the US is a big place, and at the
> current rate it's not going to be fixed any time soon. Drive-by tools like
> MapRoulette are generally a good solution for systemic data quality
> problems, but in this case I think the problem's too big for that.
> ... Anything else?

Imports. The bulk of the roads in the OSM USA came from the US Census, but
fundamentally, the TIGER data base was primarily designed to support census
activities. Besides the the Census Bureau, there are many other federal
agencies such as the BLM, BIA, DOD, etc. and their congruent state agencies
that have available detailed GIS dataset available. For example:

*The Forest Service Road System * " ... consists of more than 380,000 miles
of roads. The types of roads range from permanent, double-lane, paved
highways to single-lane, low-standard roads intended only for use by
high-clearance vehicles, such as pickup trucks." from

"A road is a motor vehicle travel way over 50 inches wide, unless
classified and managed as a trail. The II_ROAD_CORE table includes all of
the nationally required data fields representing road characteristics"
Complete metadata describing these attributes ( legal right to control or
regulate use of the route, Current physical state of being of the route
segment, Maintenance level , Surface type, etc. ) at
http://data.fs.usda.gov/geodata/edw/edw_resources/meta/S_USA.RoadCore_FS.xml -
this attribute set ('tags') collectively allows evaluation of aspects like
'passability' for different types of vehicles etc.

Data for *Motor Vehicle Use Map: Roads, **Motor Vehicle Use Map:
Trails, **National
Forest System Roads, **National Historic and National Scenic Trails *at
http://data.fs.usda.gov/geodata/edw/datasets.php , overlayed on the NAIP in
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