On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>

> A Task Manager approach is what I had in mind. It would be do able to
> place the data in small chunks on Tasking Manager for others to import.
> Biggest concern I have is making sure that the import was high quality. For
> that it would be nice to have local mappers involved. Not that I wouldn't
> mind going back to Maui. It's just not in the budget!

I'm not necessarily talking just about the the Maui import, but for anyone
who has a well organized idea of something relatively large that needs
cleanup or editing.  The US spans 5 timezones without including the
overseas territories and commonwealths, with an estimated median block
length of about 1-2 miles, of which I would be very surprised if we've
broken double digits on what's been touched since the TIGER import.  Having
a general access tasker (maybe with some heavy hitters in each state being
given access to generate new tasks) seems like it's going to be the way to
go.  Especially on getting things up to speed on relations, waterways, and
nonmotorized facilities...
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