On 10/9/14 11:24 AM, Greg Morgan wrote:
I think this is still a question for the DWG. I agree that it would be great to look at case from a positive perspective. In that respect, It would have been great if they just added a poi for the business, address, etc However, when you look at the user page, http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Cheryl%20Daly, then you see that it was all about advertisement. Changing a street name to the person's name and business and using the change set description as yet another form of advertisement, http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/25304540, then you see it was nothing more than vandalism.

this incident is a small one that is on a path to easy resolution w/o DWG
having to engage. i'm pretty sure the members of the DWG prefer it that
way. the DWG is a big hammer, this incident does not require a big hammer.
in general we should be very slow to invoke the DWG, and make an effort
as members of the community to work through these things first.


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