On 11/29/2014 10:39 PM, Jack Burke wrote:

I have a question about how much effort should be put into adding
directional suffixes to road names.

Many counties around Atlanta have adopted directional suffixes for
roads, both in incorporated areas as well as outside city limits.
Usually all areas in the county use the same system, with directions
denoted NE, SE, NW and SW from some standard point, although some cities
tend to ignore the suffixes. Also, signage is inconsistent--some street
signs bear the suffix while others on the same street don't.

In most cases, the suffix is immaterial, and most people don't use it
anyway. Use of it or not won't affect directions most of the time,
although I know of a few specific cases where knowing the suffix can be
important in finding the right location (is your house 100 Concord Road
Southeast or Southwest?).

The majority of the Tiger data doesn't include the suffix.

So, how much should I worry about the missing suffixes? Should they be
included in the main name= tag? Or one of the other *name tags with the
unsuffixed name in the name= tag.

Because most people don't use the suffix, on some roads I've put the
with-suffix name in the name= tag and the unsuffixed one in the
short_name= tag, but I'm wondering if I should continue to bother.


Typos courtesy of fancy auto-spell technology.

An additional complication is ring-roads, which are likely to have XXX North transition into XXX East, etc.

John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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