On 03/31/2015 01:07 PM, Steve Friedl wrote:
2) Are rectangular house outlines good enough?

So in my area I've been making the outlines look actually like the house, as
best as I can, but there's no way I'm going to do this to every house in
America.  For other areas, assuming house outlines are warranted, I can use
the building tool in JOSM (what a *great* tool) to make strictly rectangular
outlines that vaguely approximate the shape of the house. What are the
thoughts on this?

a) A rectangular outline is great, thank you
b) It's better than nothing,  but only marginally so
c) drawing squares on non-square things is inaccurate
d) something else?

Focusing just on this one, I often approximate buildings by rectangles when they're not technically but are pretty close. Lots of buildings seem to be a rectangle with a part of one wall that sticks out by a meter or two, or to have a bay window, or any other of an endless number of tiny variations. If it's close enough that a rectangle is the right shape at a lower level of detail, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with mapping it at lower detail.

Sometimes, like for a clearly L-shaped building, it's just better to add the two more vertices though.


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