Hey all,

The Spring Mapathon is coming up. Me, I am going to be spending the weekend
of Apr 11-12 at a wedding in NJ, but Salt Lake is covered by my fellow
local mappers. Phew! Perhaps I can do some micro outdoor mapping around
Jersey City...

Other than that, so far only a few places listed at
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapathon/US_Spring_Mapathon_2015 - but
there's still time! Let's kick off this season properly with a 'Great
Outdoors' mapathon from lots of places. But. If you'd rather stick with the
tried and tested indoors thing - nothing wrong with that. Most important
part is to get together and map.

How about it?

Martijn van Exel
skype: mvexel
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