
On 05/19/2015 12:51 AM, Clay Smalley wrote:
> Last winter, I drove around a bunch of neighborhoods with my GPS and
> manually added them into OSM. I wanted to add a few more neighborhoods
> today, so I opened up OSM and went to that area, and a significant chunk
> of my additions were mysteriously deleted.

At first glance it really looks as if the user did nothing more than
random deletions across the country. I wonder why it hasn't been noticed

Then again, many of the objects he deleted are ones he had created
himself - perhaps he did that with the good intention the clean up after
having been told that copying from Google is not allowed. Perhaps your
stuff was accidentally deleted with his own?

> I sent him a message about it, and he hasn't responded. This is pretty
> frustrating. What can I do about this?

We can easily undelete things, however we'd have to make sure we
identify the right changesets to undo, else we might re-create things
copied from Google! It appears to me that simply undeleting all objects
deleted in your list of changesets would have this undesirable effect.

Also there's a slight danger of bringing stuff back that was deleted 2
months ago and someone else has meanwhile drawn the missing bit again,
which would lead to duplicates.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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