On 6/12/2015 1:47 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
If it turns out that this is not an accident but a systemic problem
(e.g. due to the mapper employing some sort of TIGER<->OSM comparison
and systematically re-adding stuff) then the mapper should be encouraged
to be more diligent, or if that is not possible, the mapper should
probably stop making these types of edits altogether.

The value of the TIGER<>OSM comparison process greatly outweighs the risks of a few zombie roads reappearing. I've been reviewing all of them now, but there are only a tiny number of road removals that would be incorrectly re-added.

I'm not sure that contacting them would help in this case: what would tell them that something isn't right. I've come within a gnats tooth of doing the same thing myself when fixing something in an unfamiliar area. The question is: what would prompt them to even slow down and investigate? The phantom object with README seems to be the best solution for now.

Then there's the question of whether the TIGER<>OSM comparison should use only the TIGER delta from 2007-2014. But that would miss roads that were accidentally deleted by newbie editors; something that happens from time to time.

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