Hello fellow mappers:

Via Adventure Cycling Association, I received a detailed set of corrections to be made in OSM to United States Bicycle Route (USBR) 45 in Minnesota. Originally from Liz Walton of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Section of the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), she would like to know when these corrections will be amended in OSM so that she can "let People know about (OSM) as a map option." This is exciting!

As the author of the most recent updates to OSM's data after AASHTO's publication of Minnesota's Spring 2015 USBR 45 ballot, I can and will make these corrections if I absolutely must. However, I ask for additional OSM volunteers to help the cause of a complete and correct national bicycle network here in the USA. If you wish to throw your shoulder into this effort, please contact me via OSM missive or email and I will forward to you Liz's corrections: a Microsoft Word file displaying clear side-by-side graphics of Cycle Map layer together with MnDOT-produced GIS imagery showing the correct route. Any good OSM editor worth his or her salt should readily be able to finish the required editing. If you are local to Minnesota, hey, great!

Also, there is a state ballot before AASHTO for a western extension to USBR 76 by the People of Kansas. This qualifies as a "high bar standard" to be entered into OSM as a state=proposed route at http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/WikiProject_U.S._Bicycle_Route_System#Proposed_USBRs_in_OSM . However, seeing as the maps and turn-by-turn directions I can send you extend for hundreds of miles, this will take some dedicated time and effort by a serious OSM volunteer. From experience, it might take days or even a week to complete. If you have that to offer, please contact me and I will forward you the state ballot and you can enter the route. It is expected to be approved by AASHTO in September, so if OSM gets it in by then with tag "state=proposed" (so it draws in Cycle Map layer with a dashed line), all we'll need to do when AASHTO issues its approval is to remove that tag and then Cycle Map will render the dashes as solid. You don't have to be from Kansas, but I have a feeling it would help.

Thanks for reading, and if you do, thanks for replying!

USBRS WikiProject coordinator

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