On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Joel Holdsworth <j...@airwebreathe.org.uk>

> >     2) Is there a known tagging scheme for this? Area based traffic
> >     resctrictions?
> >
> >
> > No, but it would be handy, because there's literally no way anybody's
> > tagging this for every approach of every intersection with a traffic
> > light, HAWK or half-signal in Oregon that doesn't have an explicit
> > exception.
> Someone could make a robot-script to put them everywhere

That'd have to be some super-script, aware of sightlines, since it would
have to do this to every approach on every way of every intersection that
isn't uncontrolled (or at least stop-sign-only controlled) and has
visibility at least 500 feet downstream...
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