> On Nov 9, 2015, at 8:42 PM, Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:
 > maybe but i would do some more research before making an assumption.
 i'm aware of many postal city addresses that are in different counties
 than the
 "real" cities and i believe there are at least 4 cases where postal delivery
 > crosses state lines.

In the case of Guatay and Pine Valley, I can say that those are exactly the names of the communities that the people who live there call each of them. (My family used to own a place in Guatay about forty years ago and we'd go there as a getaway -- it is a serene, pretty place). While both of these are certainly in San Diego County (the SANGIS Addresses import data don't reflect this specifically with an addr:county tag, as all of them are in one county), some SANGIS Address import nodes have addr:city=San Diego (if true) and others do not (if not). Still others, as you have found, have this tag incorrect, and it should be corrected.

If the city is incorporated (El Cajon, La Mesa, Chula Vista...) then you might want to add that in a city: tag to a node or a specific set of nodes for completeness sake. If not, then for these specific cases you might consider adding the tags of addr:village=Pine Valley and addr:hamlet=Guatay. While our addr: wiki does show a tag addr:hamlet, it doesn't show one for addr:village. However, I believe the extrapolation from place= "works" (is appropriate) on addr: tags, for all values of place= (suburb, town, village, hamlet...).

To Tod Fitch's original question:
What is a "city" in US specific OSM terms?
...So what "more research before making an assumption" should be done in this area? I suspect a theoretical problem with a hypothetical general case is be being brought up when what I see in the data is a pretty straight forward issue of bad data that can be corrected.

So, Tod, please correct the "bad data" as you see fit, as your research has enlightened you, and as this person (me) has confirmed Pine Valley and Guatay being a village and hamlet (respectively) and not part of the City of San Diego (by quite a ways), but certainly in San Diego County. I think Richard Welty makes a good point to "do (sufficient) research" but it seems you now have, and I don't believe you are assuming too much here.

(grew up in San Diego)

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