Hi all, 

tl;dr submit your proposal for SOTM US this week! 

Time flies - the call for proposals for SOTM US is closing this Sunday! The 
good news is that you still have a few days to submit your proposal to speak, 
do a lightning talk, conduct a workshop or any kind of session or event you 
have in mind. If you were at SOTM US last year, you may remember the 
#MyFirstOSMEdit map in the main hall [1] - that was submitted as a proposal 
too! So don’t be afraid to think beyond the standard '20 minute talk’ 
template.. What SOTM US will look like this year is entirely up to you! We want 
this year’s conference to reflect the diversity and creativity of the OSM 
community more than ever before. So give it some thought and submit your 
proposal no later than Sunday the 17th. All we need is a 200 word (max) 
abstract and a few bits of other information. Let me know if there is anything 
I can do to help.


[1] Scroll down 
<https://twitter.com/search?q=#myfirstOSMedit #sotmus&src=typd> for some great 
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