On 8/19/2015 2:29 AM, Nathan Mixter wrote:
I would like to see areas in OSM categorized as either land use, land cover (which we call natural for the most part in OSM) or administrative to clear the confusion. I am also in favor of eliminating the landuse=forest tag at least in its current incarnation and switching any official forested areas to boundary tags.

I think most of us would agree that having trees across an area with few or no trees looks weird. Yes, I know - don't tag for the render, blah blah. But it seems like it would make sense if we kept wood and forest areas separate. Since natural=wood and landuse=forest virtually render the same now, they should be treated differently than they are currently.

As this isn't US specific, you should probably raise this on the tagging list.

One of the few areas of forest tagging where there is consensus is that a US "National Forest" does not get a landuse=forest tag. Fortunately, we're getting towards having fixed up many areas in the US where this was made. Beyond that, there are many opinions on where to use natural=wood and where to use landuse=forest, none of which are universal. This is why OpenStreetMap Carto renders natural=wood the same as landuse=forest. It's also intentional that trees are present on the rendering everywhere that one of these is tagged.

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