Hi all, 

ImproveOSM has just seen a data refresh that I thought I’d let you know about. 
We ran the latest GPS data against OSM data from May 4 and the results are live 
on the ImproveOSM web site and JOSM plugins. That said, don’t hesitate to let 
me know if you find data you think is incorrect or have ideas of what could be 
improved. There is also a feedback tool on improve-osm.org you can use for that.

We made some usability improvements to the plugin as well, I wrote about those 
on the Improve OSM blog[0]. That post also contains a link to this 7-question 
survey about ImproveOSM[1]. If you have a few minutes to complete it, you are 
helping us make ImproveOSM a better tool for all of us. 


[1] http://goo.gl/forms/Oa7tFEpNSA <http://goo.gl/forms/Oa7tFEpNSA> The survey 
does not collect personal information. However, if you are not comfortable with 
submitting anything through Google Forms, here’s a PDF: 
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