On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 8:23 PM, Peter Dobratz <pe...@dobratz.us> wrote:

> this is an acronym

Right. IKEA would be correct ​usage everywhere else.
   In general i agree with you on mixed case for legibility, but 'Ikea'
would just be wrong, in this edge case.
    Some acronyms e.g. radar laser and scuba have passed into lower case
usage in English, but other    acronyms remain full up, including NATO in
most style guides.  Some originally-acronym companies have nominalizd to a
proper noun, viz Necco and Nabisco, and now are equally or better
recognized thusly. But IKEA has not. Nor has NATO.
  *  (I can understand the Guardian using Nato on the web where they can't
use small-caps to avoid color-shift in in-line body text, but really, small
caps are still the proper way to handle weight/color of  in-line acronyms
in quality style guides. But in-line isn't a map's text's context, and is a
rendering choice the render-er can make.)

3 points-

Mis-rendering it will harm comprehension, not aid it.
  IKEA we recognize, but what word/language is Ikea ?
 - unlike Best Buy vs BEST BUY which is more comprehensible in mixed case,
as per usual

Mis-rendering it should annoy their corporate staff.
Not the way we want to gain corp attention.

​Mis-rendering in data capture prematurely discards information.
A render-er can choose to morph IKEA to Ikea or 'ikea'(small caps style),
but can't reliably choose to up-case Ikea, as it might be a local
place-name or surname.
​Preserve choice, preserve information.​

Bill Ricker
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