Chiming in my +1 that county-at-at-time is a good, workable approach for TIGER 
cleanup.  I review the Ito! map's red highways/freeways first, then red major 
roads, then get to orange.  Joe Larson in San Luis Obispo (part of the 
firefighters there) spent a couple of years coordinating this effort there and 
now that county is "all blue."  (I believe he had some official state/county 
data to use, but still it was good, though tedious multi-year-long work).  My 
county (a few to the north) is maybe 75% done.  I've said it here before, 
elephants are best eaten one bite at a time and TIGER review is no exception.

OSM-US still doesn't have a hard consensus about what to do with many/most of 
the "other" TIGER tags (I would like to see this discussion progress), but 
after a good review, please DO delete the tiger_reviewed=no tag.  Delete it, 
don't change its value to yes.  BTW, I agree with the consensus that sometimes 
an actual human on-the-ground survey is the only way to do this sufficient to 
delete the tiger_reviewed=no tag, as Bing or other imagery is most certainly 
not always sufficient.

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