
On 08/30/2018 10:20 PM, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> A problem here is that it gives us a tremendous black eye in the
> press.  I wonder how, moving forward, we can lessen the chances of
> this sort of hate speech propagating off the project.

We can only speculate about the motives here - frankly my money is on
"attention seeking teenager" who could just as well have labelled a city
the "Weed Capital". Which would not have been hate speech and maybe not
reported as widely, but not really any better.

> Other projects
> have found that having a mandatory review and moderation process for
> new users is helpful,

Some have, some not; the English Wikipedia, for example, has not, while
the German Wikipedia has, to a degree.

A move like this would have to be very carefully considered as it binds
resources and reduces our ability to attract new mappers (a certain
percentage of whom would not make that first hurdle).

It is also a technical challenge: If the new signup creates a new
object, and before this is reviewed someone else creates the same new
object, what happens? If the new signup modifies an object and before
the modification is reviewed someone else modifies a different object in
a way hat would make both edits clash (e.g. buildings overlap), what
happens? If we don't attract enough reviewers and new edits remain
unpublished for days or even weeks...?

Reducing the possible participation envelope of new mappers is certainly
something that can be discussed, but it's not something we should do on
a whim, and certainly not to please unspecified and scared "Powers That
Be". Perhaps educating our users about the strengths and weaknesses of
crowd-sourcing is another option.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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