Okay there we are! 

Sometime in November? Earlier?

> On Sep 18, 2018, at 1:03 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com 
> <mailto:stevea...@softworkers.com>> wrote:
> No hijack seen as actual or intended:  great idea, Martijn!
> Trains, transit,  our map:  these really do keep getting better and better.
> SteveA
>> On Sep 18, 2018, at 12:01 PM, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org 
>> <mailto:m...@rtijn.org>> wrote:
>> To branch out a little bit — sorry to hijack the thread Steve — it would be 
>> nice to do a nationwide transit mapathon around transit. We used to run 
>> nationwide coordinated mapathons and I miss them. I think they are fun to 
>> connect communities. Who’s in and who wants to help coordinate?
>> Martijn
> <remainder redacted for brevity>

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