Dear all,

Sorry for cross-posting. Please see the announcement of the Academic Track
at the global State of the Map 2019 in Heidelberg, Germany. We are looking
for scientific contributions (abstracts between 500 and 800 words) by May
10, 2019. This is a great opportunity to showcase your OSM related
research. Students are encouraged to submit, too! Limited number of
scholarships are also available. Application deadline for scholarships is
March 30.

For more info, please consult the call [1].


We are happy to invite you to submit your abstracts and present your
research at the Academic Track of the State of the Map 2019 in Heidelberg!
The Call for Academic Abstracts is now open [1].

Join us for a full day of academic talks in Heidelberg, home to one of the
largest GIScience research groups in the world. We believe that the
Academic Track is a wonderful opportunity to connect the OpenStreetMap
community with the academic community and to provide a platform to exchange
ideas and opportunities for increased collaboration.

Abstracts should be between 500 and 800 words in length, and should be
submitted via the conference management system [2] by no later than May 10,
2019. For more information please consult the call [1]. Questions directed
to the scientific committee should be sent to

Please feel free to distribute the call within your networks.

Scientific Committee @ State of the Map 2019

Levente Juhasz
Talk-us mailing list

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