
Another "bike path that doesn't show up in OCM or OSM" in FL.  This is in 
Daytona Beach: neither Google Maps or OpenStreetMap show the new bike path at 
Bethune Point Park between Bellevue Ave. and Shady Pl.  It does show up on 
Google Satellite but when you "Get Directions" with Google Maps and choose the 
bicycle icon from the choice list, Google Maps routes you onto S. Beach St.  
The city wants USBR 1 to use this path but it's not possible to provide them 
with a route map when OSM doesn't recognize this path.  I've suggested to the 
City that they should notify Google Maps but I'm guessing the OSM community can 
put this right well before Google would respond.  

Any OSM mappers on the ground near Daytona Beach that can capture this new bike 
path in OSM?

Kerry Irons
Adventure Cycling Association

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