On 13/07/2020 17.46, Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-us wrote:
Jul 13, 2020, 20:29 by mwoehlke.fl...@gmail.com:
It is still required to use a separate account for manually audited changes?

Is it going to be "by comparing dataset X and OSM I found places to map roads 
that I added
using aerial images"? Or more of "manually copied and verified geometries from 
external dataset"?

So far, I've done a bunch of stuff (on my own account) using the GIS data more as a supplemental reference layer, i.e. I haven't *technically* imported anything (but *have* hand-added some roads and other features and hand-edited others).

At some point, I am likely going to need to do a mass import of buildings, and that almost certainly *will* be an import.


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