Hello all,
I'm planning a mechanical edit to remove the access=private tag that Amazon 
Logistics mappers added in New Hampshire. They originally added the tag without 
using street-level imagery to look for no trespassing signs, and they made so, 
so many mistakes. The group has finally yielded to the community feedback to 
stop adding the tag, and I want to quickly remove as many of the instances as 
possible. I believe it is worthwhile to remove the tag because it is important 
to distinguish between houses that accept visitors and those that do not, and 
currently access=private is the best way to indicate it, but it is diluted by 
all of the Amazon Logistics driveways. I have written up my proposal here 
 It's pretty much copy-paste from the project with the same goals for 
neighboring Maine, and that one has been well received, so I am hoping this one 
is well received as well. (I'd be in favor of a nationwide greenlighting of 
such projects, but since that hasn't happened yet I'm doing my due diligence 
contacting the community 😊).
Alex (aweech)
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