> This makes sense; however, on the other hand, I can't think of a
> situation where someone grants blanket access to the public to drive on
> their home's driveway whenever they want, so access=private seems like
> it would be correct for 99% of cases.
> However, I do agree that because of this custom, it makes sense instead
> just to leave it highway=service + service=driveway, and leave off the
> access tag for these kinds of automated bulk additions.
> Thanks for your input!
> -- 
> Skyler

Something for a representative of Amazon Logistics (who can influence tagging 
among Amazon delivery vehicle drivers who also add tags to the map) to 
consider:  what do you think of as the semantics of OSM's access=destination 
tag (it is defined in our wiki) and perhaps adding it to driveways you visit?  
Just a thought, but it would be good for a super-participant who feels 
comfortable speaking from experience and not afraid to perhaps assert some 
authority for "how the company would like to tag and see tagging."  What does 
this tag mean now?  What might Amazon and OSM users worldwide think it means as 
its use is more sharply defined through a certain kind of use, because we 
talked about it some more here.  That's a good conversation we might have here. 
 Or on the tagging list.

Let's talk about it; we're here on talk and doing so and it's not crystal clear 
and does seem to blend into access=destination.

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