something about the clearly  socialist language bothers me

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ringo Kamens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Discussion of Free Culture in general and this organization inparticular" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:28 PM
Subject: [FC-discuss] Fight DRM with Civil Disobedience

Communique from Comrade Ringo Kamens:
As many of you know, the MAFIAA and DVDCCA has been chasing after
people for distributing copies of DeCSS for years and is still issuing
cease and desist letters. With the release of HDDVD and Blue Ray they
again attempted to use DRM to restrict our rights and failed. It was
cracked fairly quickly and one of our fellow comrades recovered a
decryption key to use on these videos. Because of the work of these
brave brothers and sisters around the world, your fair use rights have
been restored (although you can't legally exercise them on DRMed
content). Almost immediately, the "intellectual property" owners
started their own cease and desist campaign to censor this valuable
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
That key can decrypt your movies so you can exercise your fair use
rights. Please distribute it as far and widely as possible. By posting
to these mailing lists, I have probably put it into a few hundred mail
boxes. What can you do? Write it on a wall, sticker it on your
computer, draw it in the sand. Host it on your site, whatever you do,
GET IT OUT THERE. if you put the key online and receive a Cease and
Desist letter it is up to you what you want to do. You may resist and
probably face a small risk of lawsuit but if you immediately remove
the content you will negate all that risk. While they still reserve
the right to sue or jail you, nobody has ever had that action taken
against them even when doing obvious acts of civil disobedience. If
you take it down, please send the C+D letter to
and forward it (headers and all) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for legal and
historical reference. --We need to document this oppression so we can
fight it.-- Again, please distribute this key as far and wide as
possible. Put it in a song, send a letter to the editor of your
newspaper, etc. Thousands of your comrades online are already
distributing the key online. The key reached the front page of digg
twice (after being censored both times), reached the front page of
slashdot, reached the front page on reddit, and it already being
widely circulated. We need to keep up the circulation and keep
fighting this was until we win. Our comrades broke the encryption, now
do your duty and defend your rights. These brave souls have thrown the
first stone, don't let them die alone!

Yes, I'm asking you to break the law
Comrade Ringo Kamens

P.S. Would anybody be interested in stickers? I would be willing to buy in
bulk and can easily find homes for 100-200 of them. I will not give up
until this issue is won and I think by stickering things, we are
creating a permanent way to resist. Stickers would be about .50 to .75
US and you could have to do a minimum order of 20. I would buy a big
bulk order and then ship them out to anybody who wanted them. Of
course, they would have the HD-DVD code printed right on them.

Ok, now stop reading and start acting!
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