Oh sure it does, this is the time of the year when talk2 warms up and gets doing the fun things that it can do with great happiness. Beeping about pdaudio, fx radio, Louis, birfdays (if you're a certain Canadian) and all kinds of random things, languages being one of such things. We also can't forget about such things in the wonderfully strange past of this list such as the random complaint letter generator, and the story of the squishy spoon. The only problem with the later of those is that it doesn't exist yet, but maybe the story of the squishy spoon will find itself alive and well some day in the future. When, as soon as mommy spoon gets around to being scured with a fork, as that's the way of things while silverware is in love and wants little cutlery to sustain the generations, and doesn't mind sacrificing their use, in favor of misuse.
Enough said for now?  I think so, but maybe you don't.
If you don't, then you may be even more bored than me. How bored was/am I? I played with the dry line thingy on my phone patch today and found that driven at a low volume, the echo canceller doesn't bother doing anything, so I get this nice phone immulater, noise floor of a line and all. I also have been, well, doing things that I should actually post on my LJ, but seeing as how I don't remember what they were, maybe one of two things...
1.  They weren't worth mentioning
2. They were so cool as to escape me, those things being so cool that they are way above my coolness.
and, lastly, 2.  Maybe I have memory issues.
It could be argued that I have typing/spelling ones as well, but I really don't know.
I  graduated college, I promises.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Perdue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" <talk2@AndreLouis.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Happy birthday to us!

Just to add to this thread:
This topic must not continue into July! Do you understand? Good! No
breakfast for you for the next 12 years!

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

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