Here we go again...More bad puns and introductions.  Woo Hoo!
----- Original Message ----- From: "DreamHost July Newslettery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 1:30 PM
Subject: DreamHost Newsletter v9.7 July 2007

0.  Introduction.
1.  DreamHost PS!
2.  Keep Voting On Us!

0.  Introduction.

Whew, the dog days of August. Just about time for a DreamHost July

I know it's too hot to read all this, and especially since you've
diverted all your electricity to your ac (except you, Australians), I'll
keep this newsletter how I like my women, short and rough.

But, as anybody who's gone to the bathroom after a little woman who
forgot to flush will tell you, BIG things can come in small packages!

1.  DreamHost PS!

What's brown and sticky? A stick!

That has nothing to do with the introduction, it's just a funny joke my
roommate told me in college and somebody applying for a job here put on
their application.

But what DOES have to do with the introduction is THIS introduction:

Is our BRAND-STINKING-NEW invitation-only private server offering! It is
something we're honest-to-goodness excited about (and THAT, my friends,
is an honest-to-goodness rarity), and if you're interested in being the
first on your block to get your OWN guaranteed CPU and MEMORY while
still maintaining absolutely everything else the same on your DreamHost
Account, you need to go pre-order it today at:

But first, read my recent blog post all about how it came to be at:

And GO register now.. for a limited time it's only $1/mo per 10MB RAM / 10MHz CPU time as an add on to your current hosting plan!

I'm so excited I've just got to stop typing right now and go change my

This thing was SO HUGE and this month was SO HOT there just ARE no other
features to make up this month! I am not making this up.

2.  Keep Voting On Us!

What's red, brown, and sticky? That bloody stick again!

That was also on that guy's resume.

Look. I'm going to level with you. The ONLY way we're all going to stop
me from posting this link in EVERY SINGLE NEWSLETTER is if we ALL chip in
and do some serious last-minute ballot stuffing at the bloggers choice

is where you need to go to make sure all my late nights, early mornings,
and middle noons spent hunt-and-pecking away in WordPress when I could
have been playing Bomberman Live on Xbox Live (oh my crap is it awesome.
I have been waiting my entire adult life .. since 1995 .. for REAL,
good, online Bomberman. In fact, anybody who adds "Gaoini" as a friend
and gets invited to a game and wins the whole match, I'll give a $50
hosting credit to!) are DULY REWARDED!

C'mon Happy DreamHost Voters! We're just 49 votes behind the Southwest
Airlines blog (a clear-cut case of "vote for our blog or you're fired")
and 113 behind Google (a clear-cut case of "we are the Internet").


I'll cut to the bark:

won. It seems to be some sort of a personal photo gallery / travel
picture site / blog thing, and I'm sure was popular for its nice looking
layout and looking nice shorty.

To show how much I appreciate little women, here's a 100%-not-altered-I-
promise-you photo of me and my wife:

The Quicky Sticky One,
Josh Jones

DreamHost P.S. It takes a BIG man to know when he's had enough.. remove
yourself from this and all other DH communications at:

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