Hi everyone, just to let you know that I may or may not be around for the show tomorrow, or rather, on time for it. I'm heading out with a family friend today and staying overnight, so if I'm not back at 12 AM eastern after tas and someone wants to take the slot, feel free, but given that it's easter, I have no other plans for monday, so I'll do a show then if I don't make it.

your buzzing boof,

    MR  Arthur J. Pirika

You can find many things out about me by reading below this line:

 My Live Journal: http://arfy8820.livejournal.com
Free music (for use in MOH systems, podcasts and radio): http://tbrn.net/arfy
 The Beyond Radio Network (TBRN:) http://www.TBRN.NET

  Online contacts:

msn messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aim: arfy8820

  Telephone contacts:

 Home (phone: +64-3-341-1500 - Ext. 54857
 Cellular (New Zealand): +64-21-036-0670
In the United States: +1-702-520-5110

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