Until someone tells us to stop, we're going to be broadcasting two
episodes of the Snowman Radio Broadcast every weekday from 2:00 PM to
3:00 PM EDT, starting tomorrow, April 14.
Each episode is roughly 30 minutes long, thus, you get two of them per
day. However, too much of the Snowman at once is a bad, addictive thing, so we 
limiting this to one hour, rather than two or three.

. From the website:
The SnowMan Radio Broadcast is a conversational, satirical series of programs, 
recorded between August 1999, and May 2001. People describe it as being 
by a man with a smooth delivery, an unusually ironic sense of humor, and a 
master's touch at audio production. But, what do they know. Some things you
hear here are true; some are not; and YOU will have to be the judge of which is 
which. But, at any event, it's a great way to pass the time.

As this was done before the era of podcasting, one episode
of this program was uploaded per week, and aired across a few internet radio 
stations in
Real Audio format. Fear not, however, because we won't be bringing you
those boring low-quality versions of the show. We've got better ones!

You may be asking yourself: "Who is this Snowman person, and why would I
want to listen to him?" Well, to answer your question, he's a strange
individual by the name of Jim Snowbarger, who hales from Marshaltown
Iowa. With many years of experience in both life in general, and audio 
production, you will find out all sorts of things that you might never have
discovered otherwise.
I suppose that's not enough reason, though, unless you already
know who this person is, and what he's all about. If you don't, tune
into tbrn every weekday from 2:00
PM to 3:00 PM EDT, and you'll find out for yourself.

You can check out the Snowman's official website at

To listen, point your media player of choice to any of the following:
Ogg, best quality: http://tbrn.net:8888/tbrn.ogg
mp3 128k: http://tbrn.net:8888/tbrn.mp3
48k mp3 (for really nice dial-up or use with mobile devices):
24k mp3 (there's probably still someone who needs it somewhere):
If you find yourself in a position where none of these streams work, or if
you're too lazy to install or configure a media player, fear not! We've
got a web player at http://www.tbrn.net/play. This will also work if you
have access to port 80, such as in the workplace or university where
access is restricted.

Have fun, and we hope to see you 'round.

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