On 4/16/2008, 5:51:01 PM EDT, John left a message in a bottle, stating:

>   And don't worry about the one-line limit.  The same people who berate
> one-lined Talk2 posts also find some bizarre delight in reposting archived
> messages from four years ago.

What, John, are you insinuating?
Surely you're not talking about little old me, are you? I mean, really now!
I never post old messages here!
to talk2
sent: Monday, 9/11/2006 at 3:35:19 PM
subject: The Talk2 List John Zone Rescheduled
Hey all

  The John Zone will be re-scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, because I
missed my ride this afternoon and thus will not be home until 6:30 or so
EDT.  But tune in at 5PM to the Beyond Radio Network on Wednesday to enter
the John Zone, a place of wonderment and craziness!"

Well, except for maybe John's first message to talk2... but I don't make
a regular thing of it... or anything... ya know...

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
website: http://www.pdaudio.net
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Wednesday, April 
16, 2008 at 10:51 PM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

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