noticed today when sighning into msn that I had to enter a display name as 
the display name box was ignored, this means that for  some in poticular tbrn 
will not have any issue with screen name changes.
I suspect not more than one client can sign in on an account.
The down side is that there is no way to change the name on the fly anymore.
though I don't need to use this I'd like a way to store this or have something 
fill that in for me as its always going to be the same unless I change it on 
next signout.
I must say this change has merrit, everything will be labeled which is good.
less spam and other things.
That they even allow my windows messenger 5.1 to connect is just cool.
If they actually decide to change that though unless I update I will probably 
go offline on messengers for good unless I can get miranda working and as I 
said this could be serverside and not client related.
so there is probably no reason to have anything on the display name box in 
preffs anymore.

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