On Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 02:01:41PM -0500, William Park via talk wrote:
> I came across
>     https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883795779
>     $1000 -> $340
> Not sure how upgradable it is, but as "all-in-one" goes, it's cheap.

They don't even tell you what model it is.

I would guess it is a non touch screen model, with a 1600x900 display.

It does appear to be a real core i7, not one of the lesser embedded
versions, so it does have 4 cores and 8 threads.

Of course putting a nice cpu like that in something with a tiny display
and intel graphics seems cruel.

It looks like the ram can be expanded to 2x8GB DDR3-12800 SODIMM (so
fairly common laptop ram).

Disk appears to be standard laptop SATA drive.

Not a machine I would consider buying.  All the disadvantages of a laptop
without any of the advantages.

Len Sorensen
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