On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 09:41:24PM -0400, Giles Orr via talk wrote:
> I'd like to do that, but I think there are a few more steps involved.
> Want to help out?  Can you point me to a detailed HOWTO for doing
> this?  I'm not an electrical engineer, but I can solder, I have basic
> programming skills, and I can probably lay hands on a ROM burner if
> needed.  But it seems translating the output to USB is may also be an
> added challenging step ...  Any help appreciated.

Well the thinkpad keyboards don't have a rom, or any map.  They have
a raw matrix apparently, and you need a controller with a lot of input
puts to read the keyboard state and turn that into key codes.

From looking at what you linked to, it seems you would need some small
processor that can work as a USB client device to pretend to me a USB
keyboard, and also has some 35 to 40 inputs that can be connected to
the keyboard.

It does sound like quite a bit of work to figure out.

Len Sorensen
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