Nice talk on the physics of power management in the most recent shared
cache exploits. Defcon 26 was held in China this year.

Dan says;
It can take looking at a few thousand bugs, but eventually hacking feels
like getting really good at telling the same joke, over and over again.
It's OK, the computer still laughs, but why isn't software engineering
delivering the reliability and predictability of other engineering
disciplines? That's a question with an answer. It's not an easy answer,
like "devs are lazy" or "tools are bad". Who are hackers to complain about
either? But it's an answer I intend to explore, in true hacker fashion, by
seeing traditional boundaries as mostly false, but useful for identifying
what to fuzz. Why should we separate the humans that write bugs, from the
tools the tools they use? Humans write tools. Why these tools in
particular? Why would we separate forward and reverse engineering, dev from
test? Wait, are those the same thing? Does any other field isolate the
creator from the consequences of their creation? Is this going to be just
some fluffy exploratory keynote? No, this is way too long a flight for
that. We're going to talk about where I think software and hardware
architecture is going to go, with actual code you're welcome to try to
break. I'll tell you exactly where to look.
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