On 2018-08-24 3:43 p.m., Christopher Browne via talk wrote:

On Fri, Aug 24, 2018, 2:27 PM right.maple.nut via talk <talk@gtalug.org <mailto:talk@gtalug.org>> wrote:

    Hello All,

    Like the Subject Line says, I'm setting up a ZFS File Server for
    my Home Network.

    Given that I will have to go to the trouble of setting up the
    Distro and Migrating the Linux Install to ZFS Root, I don't want
    to have to do this too many times.

    So, which Distro are the favourite for Running ZFS-on-Linux?

    Also, is there such a thing as a Linux Distro that is smart enough
    to give you a choice if you are willing to use non-GPL'ed code in
    the Installer, so that I can just Install Directly on a ZFS Pool?

I think that if I were certain I wanted a ZFS machine on my network, I'd look into one of the Illumos variants, most likely OmniOS. https://omniosce.org/

That is a fork of Solaris, which is where ZFS is really native.

All the other implementations of ZFS are ports, and likely a bit less satisfactory.

That obviously isn't Linux.  But it shouldn't be ridiculously unfamiliar.

I second Chris: most of the commands will be familiar, although sometimes the names will merely be reminiscent of one another: strace vs truss, for example.

I used to be in the porting business, and Solaris <-> Linux was dead easy.


David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
dav...@spamcop.net           |                      -- Mark Twain

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