On Sun, Sep 16, 2018, 11:52 PM Dhaval Giani via talk <talk@gtalug.org>

> https://lwn.net/Articles/764901/
> ...
> To tie this all back to the actual 4.19-rc4 release (no, really, this
>> _is_ related!) I actually think that 4.19 is looking fairly good,
>> things have gotten to the "calm" period of the release cycle, and I've
>> talked to Greg to ask him if he'd mind finishing up 4.19 for me, so
>> that I can take a break, and try to at least fix my own behavior.
> ...
> Jono Bacon's comments on it,
> https://www.jonobacon.com/2018/09/16/linus-his-apology-and-why-we-should-support-him/
> ----
> Another interesting article that I read over the past few days was a
> Python keynote talk,
> https://snarky.ca/setting-expectations-for-open-source-participation/
> ----
> On a more personal note, I have seen "hostile" behavior on many mailing
> lists, which has led me from withdrawing from participating on them.
> We tend to attack developers without thinking of the impact on them.
> This list is an example of attacks on systemd. While Lennart doesn't read
> this list personally, I do know of the impact systemd criticism has had on
> him. He has shared recordings of death threats because of systemd. I think,
> we can all agree that, systemd, or pulseaudio did not make linux worse, at
> least enough to justify death threats.
> They haven't even made it bad enough to justify the constant attacks on
> the software.
> Remember, if you have a better idea, you have the _freedom_ to implement
> it. You, however, do not have the freedom to expect them to drop what they
> want to do, to fix your problems, and when they don't want to, be subject
> to attacks from you.
> ----
> I do hope, Linus taking some time off will make things better for him, and
> by extension Linux.

The Poettering hit man story is four years old. It didn't stop him from his
own rant, they are after all just words.


"Open Source community is full of a******s, and I probably more than most
others am one of their most favourite targets. I get hate mail for hacking
on Open Source. People have started multiple 'petitions' on petition web
sites, asking me to stop working (google for it). Recently, people started
collecting Bitcoins to hire a hitman for me (this really happened!). Just
the other day, some idiot posted a 'song' on YouTube, a creepy work, filled
with expletives about me and suggestions of violence. People post websites
about boycotting my projects, containing pretty personal attacks."

Also on a personal note, you contacted me offlist to chastize me about some
trivial comment I made about pulseaudio and at least one other person has
named you pubically on this list for the same type of conduct.

Now you make this post as a maintainership note about why you leave hostile
lists. What exactly do you define as hostile behaviour? I'd define it as
being trolled offlist by someone who harvested my email and decided they
had the right to contact me, just because they could.

Systemd is a thing. Writing publically about a thing, even in criticism,
even if you use words you can't say on TV, is so far removed from your own
private ad hominem remarks offlist that I am raising your poor conduct, to
remind you; just because you post a couple of true facts, that doesn't
authenticate a third postulate you have formulated as some sort of
gratification index.

I'm not exactly sure what it is that you maintain but I think both Lennart
and Linus can look after their own issues without your or anyone else this
lists intervention.

Free speech is a cornerstone of progressive thinking, feel free to ignore
this post.

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