On 21/02/2019 17:53, Stewart Russell via talk wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2019, 15:53 Marc Lijour, <marclij...@gmail.com
> <mailto:marclij...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     +1
>     turns out that OVH is cheap and not-for-profit organizations are
>     looking for cheap (same as spammers I guess), ...
> We're not looking for cheap at all. A site hosted by WPEngine isn't
> cheap. It's the arbitrariness of spam blocking: we did _nothing_ wrong,
> we have no link to any spammer or blacklist, yet the anti-spam crowd
> held our business up. 

Looks like WPEngine allows you to use an external SMTP provider:


$5/month for a VM with places like vultur, linode, digital ocean. I run
a few VMs, and all get 10/10 with that mail test site mentioned earlier.

Postfix with SPF, DKIM, and rDNS records are what I use. Ought to be
pretty solid for all but the most demanding users. I haven't needed to
look into DMARC at all, but could add it if needed.

Otherwise with WPEngine, mailgun, sendgrid, looks like there are options
to get your messages onto reliable mail gateways.

Cheers, Jamon
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