On Sat, 9 May 2020 23:10:12 -0400
Alvin Starr via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
absolutely agree with everything you said.

> Its clearly trading on the current trend in China bashing.
> I have no doubt that China is sponsoring state hacking but then so is 
> just about every other country in the world so in Canada we should be 
> worried about China, Russia, U.S.A. equally.
> There are also criminals and corporate sponsored hackers to worry
> about. Add to that political groups aggressively targeting opposing
> political groups in the same country.
> There is WAY more to worry about than just China.
> I would say it was a crappy "dog whistle messaging" kind of article
> that is trying to leverage current fears to push a business agenda.
it is weird that everyone is becoming very nationalistic in a time
where the planet faces various crises as humanity. 
the small brains are still dividing the world into little pockets and the 
little pockets are more increasingly isolating themselves and now waging 
war with other pockets in a clash to control the most resources and 
generally fuck other pockets as much as possible.

people everywhere are changing, what all of us are becoming is
disgusting, if we were better, we would see this more clearly, but we
are not. 

in the words of the Greatest President that has ever lived of the
Greatest, Best, Strongest or Richest Country in the world, Donald
Trump : "It is what it is"

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