A proposal for a community broadband, in Toronto!


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Toronto City Council is tabling cheaper, faster Internet on Feb 2.


This Tuesday, February 2, Toronto City Council is considering something HUGE:
Community-owned. Fibre. Broadband. 🤯 

This historic proposal would see Toronto build its own municipal broadband
Internet network, connecting over a million people who’ve been left behind by
high prices and subpar speeds from Big Telecom. 1

I can’t stress this enough: Community broadband is the best way to bring
cheaper, better Internet to everyone in Toronto. 2 But Big Telecom’s lobbyists 
are fast — so we need to be faster. Will you email City Council RIGHT NOW 
asking them to say yes to Community


Toronto’s the biggest city in Canada — but under Big Telecom’s oligopoly, over a
million residents STILL aren’t being properly served. 3

In fact, a brand new study just found 2 out of 5 TO households don’t have home 
Internet that meets Canada’s national
speed target . 4 The same study also found a whopping 1/3 of households are 
worried about how
they’ll pay their Internet bills in 2021. 5

We have the CRTC, the government, and their misplaced trust in Big Telecom to
thank for this gigantic failure. 6 If Big Telecom can't adequately connect 
Canada's largest and densest city —
then what hope does the rest of the country have?

It’s time for a new approach: Community-owned broadband.

Where it’s been implemented, community broadband has given people cheaper
Internet prices, power to choose their providers, and blazing-fast speeds on
state-of-the-art fibre infrastructure. 7 And best of all? NOBODY is left behind.

Better, cheaper Internet is so close, I can smell it. But we only have a few
days to get the city’s attention before it’s too late. Will you email Toronto 
City Council NOW telling them to support the community
broadband proposal?


Thanks for all that you do,

Erin at OpenMedia


 1. Agenda Item: Affordable Internet for All - City of Toronto
 2. Want Faster, Cheaper Internet? Let’s Build It - OpenMedia
 3. Mapping Toronto’s Digital Divide - Ryerson Leadership Lab 
 4. See 3
 5. See 3
 6. Toronto’s Broadband Plan an Indictment of CRTC’s Delay on Affordable
    Internet - The Star
 7. Hope Springs Municipal: How Small Towns are Driving Canada’s Digital Future
    - OpenMedia

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