On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 06:07:52AM -0500, o1bigtenor via talk wrote:

>    To get something that is going to last a bit better - - - is the only
>    option the quite pricey items where they use the mechanical switches?

Short answer: Yes.

I replaced my keyboard a few years back with a Das Keyboard (somewhere
around ~$100).  It was worth the price.  Now I can type all day without
getting fatigued or RSI, and it just plain feels better.  Of course YMMV,
but I found that buying higher-end keyboards made a great difference in my
usage, habits, and productivity.

Peter King                              peter.k...@utoronto.ca
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street #521
The University of Toronto                  (416)-946-3170 ofc
Toronto, ON  M5R 2M8


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