I have an Acer Aspire 9300 that I bought in 2007.
I cannot get it to be useful.  The problem is (mostly) with drivers for 
the NVidia Go 6100 video.

- nVidia stopped supporting this in the proprietary Linux driver.

- nouveau is unreliable https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46557

- using the generic video driver just doesn't cut it.

Darn NVidia!  If they released specs, I think nouveau would work.  There 
seems to be some bug related to more than 2G of RAM (a lot in 2007).  But 
that's not the whole story.

Other than that, the machine is functional.

Oh: Windows 10 goes into a slow failure loop if you try to install it.
(The computer came with Vista.  Not safe to use these days.)

The machine would not be fast but it would be useable for many tasks if it 
worked!  It has a 64-bit AMD Turion processor.  This was before AMD bought 
ATI; the "chipset" was made by NVidia.
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