Hi Gerard,
I am replying to the Talks list as well as to you because I thought this topic 
might be of interest to others. Modal dialogs presented dynamically by a web 
page, like the Twitter.com keyboard shortcuts dialog, can be very tricky to 
read with a screen reader. The Twitter team assigned an ARIA role of 
alertdialog to this modal dialog. This is why Window-Eyes will read the entire 
contents of the dialog automatically when it is displayed. Hearing the info 
read automatically can be very helpful, but what if you want to go back and 
review the commands one at a time. How would you go about doing this?
Often times, when a modal dialog opens, Browse Mode will be off and you might 
not know exactly where focus is.  Even if focus does go to the dialog, pressing 
Tab with Browse Mode off most likely won't help you get to the text because the 
text probably isn't in a control or the Tab order. The solution is to find the 
dialog content in Browse Mode. This is not always an easy task since you might 
not know where the information is, what it contains or how it is marked up 
(i.e. headings, tables, etc.).  Here is what I discovered. The Twitter keyboard 
shortcuts dialog contains three tables. Each table has two columns, the first 
for the key command, the second for the associated action. For example, N (key 
command) and New Tweet (action). So, if you turn Browse Mode on and navigate to 
the first table on the page, you should find the first group of keyboard 
shortcuts in the modal dialog. Keep in mind you would first need to open the 
dialog before you could find it in Browse Mode and y
 ou can only access the dialog by pressing Shift-Question Mark with Browse Mode 
off. Please keep in mind that you might have to develop new strategies for 
other websites since these types of dialogs can be implemented in many 
different ways. I hope you find this information helpful.
From: Gerard Guarniero [mailto:g.guarni...@comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 12:15 PM
To: Marc Solomon
Subject: Twitter Keyboard Shortcuts

When using Firefox and Window-Eyes 9.1 and Windows 8.1 I cannot navigate the 
dialog containing the table of twitter keyboard shortcuts that is brought up 
when you press the available keyboard shortcuts button. I tried navigating the 
table with browse mode on and with browse mode off and tried using ctrl-shift-R 
the read to end key. Thanks.

I am looking forward to your next webinar.
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