Hi: Whenever I go to the pages I use for financial analysis or financial
news I usually get a message that flash has crashed and I have to send it to
whoever and then lose the webpage I am on.
Sometimes I can tab and continue with the page but with other pages I just
end back in my root program or have to alt tab to the desktop and sometimes
WindowEyes just locks up, sometimes coming back, occasionally I have to
I noted that crashes in Internet Explorer were related to flash and
windoweyes so this problem with the flash plugin seemed similar so...
I fired up jaws and repeated a couple of the tests and I heard flash read 3
times, not no error messages, along with the number of links and other page
details and no plugin error message nor any lockups or any problems of any
I am coming to the conclusion that WindowEyes has problems with adobe flash.
Now, perhaps the flash plugin still went down but jaws just ignored it but
at least I was able to continue with my work while I often ended up having
to close Firefox to get back to my main program with WindowEyes and
sometimes the lockup forced me to reboot - I didn't have time to waste
trying to save WindowEyes by trying firing up jaws or the narrator and
trying to getWindowEyes working again but likely the results would have been
similar to results while trying to use WindowEyes with Internet Explorer and
handling all the lockups in those ways.
So, hopefully, AI2 will figure out what they are doing that causes the use
of WindowEyes with many WebSites using Adobe Flash to crash.
Perhaps I have a problem with the flash plugin but I checked and it is
recent and active in Firefox - no flash warnings in Internet Explorer, just
crashes and the details of the error indicate a adobe flash correlation
causing the problem causing windoweyes to crash.
So, I don't know what to ask to fix this problem
Firefox tells me I have a crashing Adobe Flash PlugIn but it is there in
Firefox and is active.
WindowEyes seems to be causing crashes or at least be related to crashes in
pages with flash in both Internet Explorer and firefox while the other
screen readers do not seem to crash on these pages.
So, AI2, what do you think the problem might be and can I fix it or is it up
to you to fix WindowEyes?
Rick USA

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