Hi Guys and AI2  developers: In all visual controls in a windows forms
project there are accessibility settings that are stated by Microsoft to
supply information to screen readers so they can render the control
I am looking at using a StatusStrip and StatusLabel controls which may be
active, that is can accept clicks to perform actions.
I would also like to use a TabbedDocument control and have both of the above
controls fully active, navigable and read wel using hot keys or standard
tabbing and arrow key navigation in WindowEyes.
 To the staff at AI Squared, are there suggested accessibility settings that
WindowEyes is looking for that will be most effective when selected in the
several Accessibility settings provided for these controls since their
selection and settings are what Microsoft tells us will be used by screen
readers to help them render them.
Do you even know about them?
If you don't use them why not?
If so, have you documented their use anyplace internally or publically?
Rick USA

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