I would be very surprised if the Department of Justice does anything at all. First, this just happened. there is no actual showing of harm to the consumer yet. Second, there _are_ other screen readers out there. I'm thinking of Narrator, and something I've read about on this list called System Access. there may very well be more I don't know about.

Also, this represents possible but not yet proven injury to a very small group of consumers in the over-all scheme of things. It's not exactly a headline grabber. Then there's budgetary considerations. My area of legal expertise before I retired was not anti-trust or consumer litigation. This was covered a bit thirty years ago when I was in law school. But you don't have to be a lawyer to figure this kind of thing out. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I realize the federal trade commission, or the DOJ, can't do anything about this if they don't know; so I'm not telling anyone not to file a complaint. I'd just be very surprised if anything happened. Remember, there is something even more powerful than a verdict, an injunction, or a writ. That's the wallet. Kim Lingo

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