Hi there Bernie!

Well I went from the Apple iPhone 4 S to the Galaxy s5 and have never looked back! Oh I still think about it but the Apple really hasn't shown me any good reason to switch. Not that I wouldn't if I saw a good reason.  I have been very happy with my Android phones and will probably stay with them for the immediate future!  Just My 2-Sense worth! Have A Good 1! de

On 26-Dec-18 14:46, Bernie Perella via Talk wrote:
Hi Bob, Yes, I am using an Android phone and because I got fed up with
high cellular phone bills, I switched to the Google Fi cellular
network.  As far as the phone goes, I was surprised how easy it was to
learn how to use the built-in screen reader called Talkback.  In fact,
when the annoouncement about the death of WE came out, I gave
considerable thought about what I should do.  I considered switching to
the other screenreader but discounted that path because I think that in
the not too distant future technology will bring to an end such
screenreradrs.  So, that left me where so many of us have wanted to be,
finding and acceptable screenreader that is supported by the operating
system creator. There are three choices:  MS narrator, Apple
Voiceover,and Android Talkback.  I played around with voiceover but I
was unahappy about the fact that I would have to have an Iphone and yoou
know how expensive they have become.  So, that left Android and there
are many phones in all price ranges that you can use.  I bought a very
inexpensive Android Tablet with the goal in mind of learning how to use
Talkback.  I felt that if using the touch screen was to difficult, I
would eat the $100 cost and consider it just an experiment.  But, I was
surprised that I quickly learned how to use the tablet with the keyboard
first and then detaching it so as to use the touch screen.  Actually,
Before buying the tablet,I needed a new cell phone so after reading
about Google Fi, I decided to try it since no contract was involved.  I
bought from Google the Nexus 5 and I have never looked back.  I coud go
on but probably by now you have had enough.  But, if you have any other
questions, let me know.  Bernie

On 12/26/2018 2:32 PM, Robert Ringwald via Talk wrote:
Anyone using an android phone"? If so, how do you like it?

Is there an Android email list? Please reply off-list as this is

-Bob Ringwald

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