
open your WinEyes control panel, and place yourself in the tree of choices.

Scroll down to Hotkeys, and expand it.

Then arrow down to Miscellaneous.

Now tab once, and you land in a list of some 50 different things, for which you can set a dedicated hotkey.

What you are looking for, is the one that says something like


It is far down the list, something like 42 or near that - so keep scrolling.

When found, tab over to the button that says

    Define Hotkey

and hit Enter. Then press the hotkey of your choice. You will receive confirmation.

Remember to hit Ctrl-S, to save your settings.

As an extra note, please be aware that you can set the hotkey for a global scope. In that case, it will work no matter where you are on your computer. Alternatively, you can set it to only work for a given piece of software.

In case you want it to only apply for a specific application, make sure to focus that application prior to bringing up your control panel. Further, make sure to associate a set file with that application - something you do from the Association branch of the treeview. When in the hotkey section, make sure to press space on the choice for whether it should be linked with the application only, or set as a global hotkey. Your speech should inform you of the setting.

This feature is not set to any hotkey by default. And frankly, I never used it myself. Reason I even know about it, is that I recently had to redefine a hotkey, and came across the listing.

As for Jaws, I am not sure how to do this acrobatic excersie, so others will have to educate the two of us. Pretty sure, there might be a way to do it in that screen reader as well.

Hope this took you one step further.

On 3/28/2020 12:46 PM, Georges Zeinoun via Talk wrote:
Is there a way to accomplish this task with a hotkey without entering Window-Eyes control panel?

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