Lester Caine wrote:
After my missive in the postal addresses thread I had yet another scout around on what is already available and how it is not being managed well.

All mapping is currently based on physical nodes, but I think that perhaps we need an abstract element that we can hang things on.

Day by day it becomes more obvious to me that sooner or later segments/ways distinction will be back with us. Look at this.
A way (street) may belong  to many relations, right? Each relation
may contain different part of the street, right? Especially in big cities where bus routes can be relations and each bus may take different turns, there will bo no single way/highway comprising more than one segment (to be precise I think about lines between crossings which in case of curved street may comprise more segments). There will obviously MUST be invented 'street' replation which takes a few segmetns and gives them common name. The other relation (perish?) could contain all the objects that belong to a certain place including half of the segments of the streets that connects two adjacent places.

This shows a little problem which, however, should be automatable, a new object (node/way|segment) has to be assigned to a different object (relation) rather then assigning the place relation to the new object.

I am just shatring my thoughts, maybe someone can come up with some thing wiser ;-)

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